Temporary suspension of activities | Bota Bota, spa-sur-l'eau

Bota Bota

Temporary suspension of activities

On March 14th, our hot baths stopped steaming, we turned off our saunas, asked customers to not show up for their appointments, and our crew to return home. The Prime Minister’s message was clear, there was an urgent need to act.

Since its inception, Bota Bota has made it its mission to provide each passenger with a perfect downtime. Today, as we should be celebrating our 10th anniversary, we have been asked to slow down and think about the means that we can put at the disposal of our community to get through this crisis. That is the reason why, in addition to the support we offer our employees, Bota Bota has taken the initiative to donate 10% of its gift card sales to the Fondation du CHUM during the shutdown period.

Our priority as of right now is to flatten the curve, for the safety of our crew, our partners and customers. To ensure their safety, as well as that of their families.

Little by little, the term “social distancing” has given way to the term “physical distancing”. I appreciate the nuance, because since March 15th, I have grasped the positive contribution of social media and all the other technological tools that are available. If I have my reservations, I cannot deny today that they make it easier to experience physical confinement. I can keep in touch with my team, my family and my loved ones.

The world as we know it has been turned upside down. Eventually, this crisis will be behind us and we will have made great sacrifices to flatten the curve. I hope we will collectively learn from it, understanding what is good for the planet and for humanity. This drastic and imposed decrease in our lifestyles will certainly make it easier for us to take concrete actions to individually preserve the environment and stop global warming, even if these decisions may infringe on our comfort. Because our generations will have overcome this challenge.

Bota Bota will be back. Our mission will remain. We will have evolved. It’s going to be okay.


Geneviève Emond


To continue the dialog with you… 

You will find on our blog, The Porthole, articles filled with well-being tips, advice on how to navigate these uncertain times and content to help your mind escape.

Find our FAQ here, to learn all there is to know about the temporary suspension of our activities.